Wednesday, January 21, 2009

obama's Inauguration 1-20-09

On Tuesday January 20th Barack Obama had his inauguration. When I was watching the inauguration i was so happy because I finally felt that things were going to change and things were going to be better. This was the firs inauguration I first saw and when I saw all of those people thee I was shocked because the news people said that there was around 2 million people thee and that was the most that any one ever at their inauguration. But while I watched it it mad me fell happy and it made me happy to be an American.

Today Barack Obama had to sign important papers to close Guantanamo detention center, shut down secret overseas CIA prsions and lota of other important things like that. Obama also changed the way the U.S prosecutes and question AlQaida, Taliban, and all of the others that foreign fighters who continues to threaten the United states. The president said " The message that we are sending the world is that the United States intends to prosecutes the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism and we are going to do so in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideas."

This afternoon president Obama was in a meeting about the war he talked to the top military commanders in the Iraq war right now he asked them " engage in additional planning necessary to execute a responsible military drawdown from Iraq." Obama wants to end the war as soon as possible and he wants to send the troops home but if that hopefully happens it might take a while like around a year. When Obama was talking about his first days of being in office he told people that he would do such things like talk about the war and things that Bush did that Obama wanted to change.

In my opinion I am happy that Barack Obama is president. I feel that he is going to make a difference in the U.S and to me he has influenced all kinds of people to do different and good things. I believe that he will do really good and hopefully fix all of the problems that we are in now. In my life time so far there has only been 2 presidents and I feel that he is the best one that we had in a long time.,0,4123501.story

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