Thursday, May 28, 2009

plastisity conclution

When my partners and I were doing the experiments we first had to put the corn starch in to the the beaker and then put water in to the beaker and then we had to try and mix it with our hands when we picked it and put it our hands it was liquidy but when pusher is put on it, it was hard. This relates to the inner of the earth because when the crust and the mantle were together the liquid was hard because presser was put on it, it turned hard but when the mantle and the crust is off a little bit the liquid is liquid.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

October Sky

In October Sky, when the boy's tryed to make a rocket, they had to use a lot science and math. When the boy's tryed to make the rocket they studied the science part by figuring out how to make one. They then figured out how to make a rocket and they used math to figure out how long the rocket had to be. They also had to make the width of the rocket and how far it went. The boy's got blamed for starting a fire in the woods because it was a couple of miles away from their launch site. The boy's knew that they didn't start the fire so they used algebra to figure out where the rocket landed and it wasn't even close to where the fire started. The boy's had to use self control when their rockets always didn't go the way they wanted it to. Like when the rocket blew up they didn't get angry it just made the want to work harder and succeed in what they wanted to accomplish.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


The blog that I read about is Dwarfism. What I learned about dwarfism is that dwarfism isn't a disease and can not be cured. Dwarfism wasn't discovered that long ago. It was discovered in 1967 by Pierre Maroteaux. The people that have dwarfism might have a hard time living in the world with mostly people that are normal size. and e thing might be too big for them and they probably can't reach high things. By having dwarfism the only thing that it really effects is your size but you still probably will have problems with other things but it doesn't effect your intelligence.In conclusion by reading about and blogging about dwarfism makes me feel sad because the people that have dwarfism have to struggle their whole live with things that we can do in a normal basis.

Where I got my information

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Celiac Disease

A couple of days ago in science my partner and I had to research the very painful and horrible Celiac disease.This disease was discovered in England in 1865 by Francis Adams. The symptoms are damage to the digestive system, it damages the small intestine, and doesn't allow food to digest properly. The only treatment for the Celiac disease is a long, life-free gluten diet. Once all of gluten is taken out of your diet you're digestive system will start working again. This disease isn't fatal as long as you are on the gluten-free diet. This disease is common all over the world. But in the U.S today there are over 2 million people that have this disease. 1 out of 133 people will get it. Men are more likely to get the disease than women are because men are more likely to consume more than a woman does. But women can still get the disease. Children can get the disease but grownups are more likely to get it. Scientists are not sure how this disease is caused but they do know how the disease effects you. This disease makes me feel upset and angry because the people that have the disease have to go through a lot and have to be on a very difficult diet. I feel grateful because I am lucky enough not to have this disease.
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Friday, February 20, 2009

Why do people have red eyes when you take a picture??

When we take picteures the light that the flash and the ligt reflects off the retna and that causes the red ness that we seee when we get pictures taken. All animals such as dogs, cats, deers, and many more animals have a protective layer on thier eye called the "calledtapetum lucidum". When light is flasahed in to them a whit glow reflects off them. That is why if you take a picture of your pet you see that their eyes are weired and are all white. The red that you actually see is the blood vessel that makes your eye red. So the people that made the cameras now made a camer that reduces the redness in your eyes. What they do is make he camera flash two times so that your pupile will turn less red and the second one is so after your eye isn't so that it takes the picture.In my opinion I think tha is a good idea because know the people in their pictures can look pretty and not look so scary.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wildfires in Ausralia

In Australia they had the worst wildfire just recently. They fire took the lives of 134 people. The fire's were so large that they were visible from space. Several people in arctic of Australia have dies because of the outrageous temperate of 114 degrees. NASA has mad a chart of Australia and saw that there was more blue and red than white in Australia. That isn't good because the blue and the red are a "10-degree (C) differential from normal (white)." And that's not good. Right now Australia is so dry that if just a small spark hits the ground that can cause a huge wildfire. We have wildfires just like this in the U.S in California in the summer all of the time. In my opinion I think that we should all work harder in trying to clean up the earth because the wildfires are caused by global warming and if we help save the earth hopefully there won't be anymore dangerous wildfires such as this one.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Road Fire

on January 28 in South Brunswick in Kendall Park on New Road was a terrible fire. Mr.Wolfe the owner of the house stated that the fire was started by an electrical problem from one of the buildings. Mr.Wolfe said that the "fire came out of the panel and on to his walls". The fireman from Monmouth and Kendall park said that the fire only took 20 to 25 minutes to clear out they also said that the "fire is not considered suspicious". So the fire was just a cliche with the wiring and wasn't a big problem.In my opinion I think that people in South Brunswick and other places should have monthly checks o there electricity wiring so that it will prevent people from having fires in their homes.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton's Life
By:Alfred Rupert Hall
Isaac Newton was a scientist in the 1700s. He investigated the refraction of light by a glass prism. He discovered "measurable, mathematical patterns in the phenomenon of color". He went to the college of Cambridge where he studied mathematics. In 1704 Newton made a theory that white light is mixed with all different colors. Newton wouldn't tell any other scientist what he was doing because he didn't want them stealing his idea. Isaac Newton invented what we know as calculus when he entered Cambridge College. People also know him for discovering gravity. There was a story when Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree he found out about gravity. This story is about an apple that fell from a tree and that is how he discovered gravity. In my opinion, I think that if Isaac Newton never figured out and discovered gravity that we would not know as much as we do know today.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

obama's Inauguration 1-20-09

On Tuesday January 20th Barack Obama had his inauguration. When I was watching the inauguration i was so happy because I finally felt that things were going to change and things were going to be better. This was the firs inauguration I first saw and when I saw all of those people thee I was shocked because the news people said that there was around 2 million people thee and that was the most that any one ever at their inauguration. But while I watched it it mad me fell happy and it made me happy to be an American.

Today Barack Obama had to sign important papers to close Guantanamo detention center, shut down secret overseas CIA prsions and lota of other important things like that. Obama also changed the way the U.S prosecutes and question AlQaida, Taliban, and all of the others that foreign fighters who continues to threaten the United states. The president said " The message that we are sending the world is that the United States intends to prosecutes the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism and we are going to do so in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideas."

This afternoon president Obama was in a meeting about the war he talked to the top military commanders in the Iraq war right now he asked them " engage in additional planning necessary to execute a responsible military drawdown from Iraq." Obama wants to end the war as soon as possible and he wants to send the troops home but if that hopefully happens it might take a while like around a year. When Obama was talking about his first days of being in office he told people that he would do such things like talk about the war and things that Bush did that Obama wanted to change.

In my opinion I am happy that Barack Obama is president. I feel that he is going to make a difference in the U.S and to me he has influenced all kinds of people to do different and good things. I believe that he will do really good and hopefully fix all of the problems that we are in now. In my life time so far there has only been 2 presidents and I feel that he is the best one that we had in a long time.,0,4123501.story

Monday, January 5, 2009

Yellowstone Supervolcano and earthquakes

By: James Pethokoukis
January 05,2009 07:03 am

On December 26th from now there has been over 500 small earthquakes in the Yellowstone National Park. Under the park there is a super volcano. A super volcano is ten times worse as a normal volcano if the super volcano would erupt it could kill every one on the earth or states and contents close to it. That is how powerful hat volcano is. Scientist think that a super volcano killed dinosaurs because they found their bones and they had this bacteria on it that the volcano gives of and that is one of the reasons they thought that dinosaurs was killed from it and they know that the volcano can kill a lot of people because they found another dinosaur that had the same bacteria on it so that is why they know that this volcano is big and will harm a lot of people.The Yellowstone park is located in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. The volcano hasn't erupted in millions of years so people don't know when the volcano will exploded but what they do know it can be any time soon or another million years.In my opinion I think that they have to keep a close watch and monitor the earthquakes closely and make sure that the earthquakes aren't dangerous and just make sure and tell every one what is happening just to keep everyone updated.