Monday, December 1, 2008

Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship. It is one out of three types of symbiotic relationships. Commensalism is a kind of symbiotic relationship that one thing benefits from and the other doesn't, such as a bird and a bush. A bird lives in a bush and the bush provides the bird with shelter so the bush doesn't benefit anything out of situation. You can find this relationship anywhere, for instance just look in your back yard and look at a tree or in a bush and you are most likely to find a bird living in it. In my opinion, I think commensalism is important because if the bird doesn't have anywhere to live they won't have a place to protect their children and would probably die.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama

Title: Barack Obama


For the last eight years vast areas of land have been open to drilling for oil.The Obama administration must fix up the Bush-era and try to save the wildlife in Alaska.Now that the presidential campaign is over, the price of gas has gone down for now . Gas has gone down $3 a gallon so there's no more chants saying "drill,baby,drill"! for gas anymore.
Also, Barack Obama is promising to lower the cost of health insurance for everyone and is hopefully going to get our troops out of the war in Iraq and Pakistan. Obama is also letting the people of the United States keep their health insurance if they wanted to and he would lower it to as much as 2,500 dollars and that is as low as it will get for them. If you don't have health insurance you will have a choice of new affordable health insurance.
Right when Barack is in the office he will give his Secretary of Defense and Military commanders a new mission to take our troops out of the war. Barack Obama was raised by a single mother and by his grandparents. He lived in Hawaii for a little and then he lived with his grandparents in Kansas. In my opinion I am happy that Barack Obama is our new president and is going to be taking over the United States of America and hopefully going to fix up all of the damage that Bush did and finally make every thing better in the U.S. And hopefully he won't spend so much money on nonsense things that we don't need to spend millions of dollars on or things we don't need, and he will focus on us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Title: What Is A Shark???
Author: Jeananda Col
Date: 1998-2008

Sharks are amazing sea creatures. Sharks are 1 of the 3 consumers. They are carnivores that eat nothing but meat. There are many different types of sharks. Some smaller sharks eat fish but the Great White shark can eat a whole seal. They are like us and eat to energize our body and to think. They eat their prey to have energy to swim and to catch more food. Sharks don't have any bones, but they have cartledge like our nose and ears. Sharks have been around way before the dinosours were. Sharks are dangerous creatures but they don't mean to hurt humans because they think that we are seals. Like when people are surfing they might think you are a seal because you are on a flat board looking like a stomach of a seal with your hands and feet out they could get confused. In my opinion, I think that sharks are scary and dangerous creatures. And even though they don't mean to harm us I don't like them.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hurrican Ike and how Ike effected gas prices In the U.S

Who: Texas was affected when Hurricane Ike struck.
What: The Gulf oil industries had to shut down for the second time because it had to get ready for the big Hurricane Ike. One good thing is that Texans don't have to pay a lot even when Hurricane Ike was about to struck you would think that they and every one elas would have to pay a lot more because Ike could destroy or damage the gulf industries that provide us with a whole lot of gas and if that gas was destroyed that would effect a lot of people because gas is high now and if we lose that gas we would have to pay lot more for gas and have to get gas from more countries. And after Ike struck the gas prices were outrageous.
Where: Hurricane Ike has struck Texas almost destroying Texas gulf industries.
When: This happend in September threatining to flood Texas.
Why: This happened because there was a hurriance. Hurricane Ike was coming to Texas and was heading right towards the big gas company Gulf Industries.
My opinion: My opinion is that gas companies should try to maybe have the tanks of gas protected more than just having it in a tin bubble outside. I think that the gas company should figure out a way that they could protect but it wouldn't be cost effective for them like maybe they should try to do something eco-friendly.

posted sep. 12, 2008 12:09 p.m